Monday 9 November 2009


The Aquarian Movement hailed 'Brave New Age',
Sorely needs wisdom from a Self Realised Sage.
Permissiveness in every possible form,
Many times beyond the accepted norm,
Has led to decadence and collective shame,
A dark stain on Albion's sacred name.

If we're not more careful then tomorrow,
We may suffer Sodom's fate as did Gomorrah.
Maybe in good time such a Sage will come,
And the New Age will surely then be One;
A blessed Utopia of peace on Earth,
New Age will then become New Birth!

So let's move to a much higher stage
Of this much heralded Aquarian Age;
Men and women joined in joy and love,
Return to worship the Great Power above.
They search within for their true Selves to find,
Fatigued by flippant frolics of fickle mind.

Aquarius fetches fresh water in his cup,
Brings forth Real Truth to lift man up.
That he's yet to come causes sad regret,
But soon, if in God's Love we don't forget,
He'll come to usher in a true New Age,
And humanity shall turn a golden page.

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