Wednesday, 15 May 2013





Chapter Eleven, Verse 23

Indeed, I am of the nature of the Supreme Brahman, the ancient.
Indeed, I am of the nature of the Supreme Brahman, the permanent.
Indeed, I am of the nature of the Supreme Brahman, the indestructible.
Indeed, I am of the nature of the Supreme Brahman, the all pervasive.
Indeed, I am of the nature of the Supreme Brahman, without mind and such.
Indeed, I am of the nature of the Supreme Brahman, the great.
Indeed, I am of the nature of the Supreme Brahman, the afflictionless.
Realize this ever, son, without any delusion.

All is Brahman Supreme,
Everything is sheer perfection,
Appearing in our mundane dream.

The past passed perfectly,
The present IS perfect,
The future will be perfect too.

Not one atom,
Molecule or Quark,
Moves without permission
Of God’s almighty will.

Everything that happens,
Inside and out
Is Bhagavan’s Grace.

The best three wishes are,

1.That things are as they are,

2. Are as they are,

3. Are as they are.

Ad infinitum

That is surender to God's will.

By willing what God wills,
We are in total harmony
With the Divine Will.

In His Will Is Our Peace

All is His Grace,
From beginning,
Middle ,
And End.

Including His magic tricks of Grace,
Which defy human understanding,
But ultimately are for the very best.

Men and women’s Selves are veiled,
By latent tendencies,
Accumulated in this life,
And previous ones.

They must be removed,
By the prescribed practices,
Of Devotional Surrender,
To the Sat-Guru in the Spiritual Heart,
And  Self Enquiry,
Turning inwards,
And searching for the source,
Of egotistic mind.

Latent tendencies,
Obscure Brahman for mankind,
Blazing as an Almighty Great Power,
The Self
In the spiritual heart.
Pure Consciousness Awareness
Which sustains the All.

An apparent Universe,
Is precisely choreographed,
Down to the last jot and tittle.

‘That great Brahmic power
Flows down,
Through Ramana the Supreme Guru,
Abiding in ones spiritual heart,
Also through Arunachala,
Spiritual centre of the so called world,
And through Dakshinamurti,
The Primordial Sage,
For Brahman to be known
As the substratum
Of all that appears to exist.

All is Brahman Supreme,
Everything is sheer perfection,
Appearing in this mundane dream.

So Be It.


AJ -Arunachala 2013

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