Tuesday 13 April 2010


“To the Great One, the strong in His Force, the Waker in the Dawn,
To Fire, as to one who has vision, let our hymn arise.”*

My hymn I sing to Him in mystic fire,
Blazing fierce with golden scarlet flame:
Flickering tongues to heavenly heights aspire
To glorify His formless sacred Name.
All hearts turn to mystic fire, which inspires
Our souls like glowing souls, to be the same.

Our souls like glowing coals, the same,
Leap like lightning jets of orange fire.
Thunderous claps help humble hearts inspire
To surrender dark ego in florid flame;
Be purified in the lustrous Sun of His Name;
To consummation, our quickened souls aspire.

To consummation, our quickened soul aspires
To find that One of fame, ever the same;
To worship and bow down to His most hallowed name,
And sacrifice prim pride in His white-hot fire,
Transforming our burning dross by inner flame:
To an inward turn, our pilgrim soul’s inspired.

Inward turning, does our pilgrim soul inspire
To God-heart, making harrowed soul aspire
To wax hot, worshiping by candle flame
To reach that Oneness, evermore the same.
All change is wrought about by mystic fire,
Renouncing arrogance, for Thy holy Name.

Renouncing arrogance for Thy holy Name,
With hymns to mystic fire, our souls aspire.
The spark within fans fierce as fearless fire
To God. The blazing brand abounds to inspire,
And burns to learn His Oneness is the same,
As naked soul immolates in flickering flame.

As naked soul immolates in flickering flame,
We chant and sing loud praises to His holy Name,
‘Til crimson dawn awakes, and we become the same.
So pilgrims, let hymns of mystic fire inspire
Us Godward: may our joyful souls aspire
To be chastened, in His crucible of mystic fire!

Our souls inspire, and to Almighty God aspire:
To become One, and be the same as that formless Name,
Born in the sacred flame of His holy mystic fire.

*Hymn to Agni, Rig Veda , Mandala 1, Sukta 127, Vs 10.

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