Monday 12 December 2011


Mad moaning mankind needs a healing balm,

His errant restless mind to cure and calm,

That cool collyrium is pure devotion,

The perfect therapeutic tonic lotion.

Good Doctor Guru is both wise and sage,

He knows the right dose for this manic age.

Self enquiry's the treatment he prescribes,

Gently his Direct Path he well describes.

His medicine will lead us to liberation,

The final goal is Self Realisation.

Ego's gracefully removed by such skill,

The patient no longer suffers or feels ill.

Sweet harmony and peace completely reign,

Pilgrim no longer feels his aching pain,

He abides in everlasting blissful joy,

A state of love that will never cloy!

This is the death of maddening mental pain

And horrid habits, vicious vile and vain,

So all who endure a worried worldly life,

Will find his medication ends their strife.

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