Saturday 24 December 2011


Ruddy radiant dawn breaks and shatters dark black night,

Revealing a gleaming world full of splendid life and light;

So it will be with the fractured inner life of pilgrim's soul,

Sudden Realisation dawns, ending dark night, and makes him whole.

All is due to grear Guru's grace, of Sri Bhagavan Ramana,

When light breaks and we dwell in blissful sat chit ananda.

God is perfect love and he calls here us on Earth to save

Us from harmful tendencies acquired, and if we're brave,

And follow all his promptings, felt deep in the spiritual heart,

He'll surely lead us to His Realisation and the needed art,

So ruddy radiant dawn breaks and shatters dark black night,

Revealing again His gleaming world of splendid life and light.

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