Friday 27 May 2011


The ghostly skeleton of dark egotism rattles in the heart,
It must be exorcised for Path of Self Realisation to start.
Self Enquiry with surrender is the traditional way
To regain this precious pearl of great price and then make it stay.

Ones dry bones must be resurrected into vibrant life,
There needs to be the Bridal Marriage with a Goddess as one's wife.
So hasten the day, make the needed preparations for the King,
Who will grace the ceremony and all the guests will surely sing,

Halellujah, Hallellujah to the highest the Infinite One,
Who shines behind our dark clouds like the mass of blazing Sun.
The Divine Goddess will graciouly remove our curtained veil,
If we obey her guidance and clasp her lotus feet. All hail!

The Divine Mother who saves the erring perverted soul,
And by merciful compassionate nursing makes us well and whole.
All is very, very well unfolding every night and day,
So trust that Mighty Great Power who surely knows, she knows she surely knows, the way!

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