Sunday 17 April 2011


Your Almighty Power shines bright from the light of Your lotus feet,
Our dearest Sat-Guru dwelling deep in the spiritual heart;
You nourish our souls with ambrosial nectar, honey sweet,
Ever gracious to aid our quest; Your sacred Jnana You impart
To those blessed devotees, earnest in their chosen sadhana.
We thank you for leading us to tread your holy mountain way,
We chant your praises daily oh Great Sri Bhagavan Ramana!
You makes life's dire dream well worth living every single day.

Your Almighty Power is brim filled with unconditional love,
You take us closer to our own True Self, a compassionate friend.
You've been sent to help us in our quest by Brahman who reigns above,
You promise to ferry us to the other shore right up to life's end.
We wait to hear your inner voice in silence and in solitude,
We attend your call and our hearts are filled with solemn gratitude.

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