Thursday, 11 March 2010


I’m filled, like a mountain lake after summer rain,
> Fed by a flowing stream, source of wisdom, love;
> A spark, fired to light this planet, from above.
> A ray of flame on a brazen, burnished plane,
> To gild each leaf on my way down lover’s lane,
> Warming earth’s fertile, terra cotta clay,
> And emerald sea of mercy, green and grey.
> Air’s balmy breath of life is free from pain,
> Crystal clear, beyond the game of loss or gain.
> What means it to my Master, pure as a dove,
> This empty void, an abyss, a lonely way,
> The costly pearl that pilgrim has to pay?
> What of scriptures, tracts, Gitas, sacred books?
> Lord’s lurid library of command and revelation,
> Reams of cryptic comment, endless emendation,
> Holy tomes which cram cathedral nooks and crooks,
> To provide much caw-cawing for a crore of rooks.
> Is that Self Knowledge, Upanishadic or Socratic?
> Or malady of mind, narcissistic, autocratic?
> When freed by Sage wisdom, from dull senses, it looks
> A hotchpotch prepared by Satan’s favourite cooks,
> To titillate one’s poor palate to a new sensation.
> So what’s this freedom, vulgarised by folk democratic?
> But my dear Master knows, he’s The One, truly aristocratic!
> What’s knowledge of truth, freedom, awakening?
> From ignorance, sleep, alienation, delusion,
> Folly, dithering in a mad dream of world illusion?
> Freedom from bonds, desire and slave attachment?
> What’s the meaning of mankind’s predicament?
> What’s the deep significance of ‘ego’, ‘I conceit’,
> Errantly wedded to body, well bedded in self deceit?
> What’s‘mine’, a grabbing hand, grasping temperament,
> For umpteen baubles, attractive, yet vehement?
> Or pure Awareness, to save one from confusion,
> To rescue Soul from dualism and preordained defeat?
> So I pray for grace and knowledge at my Guru’s holy feet.
> I am ‘That’, Absolute Consciousness, ever One,
> As unconditional love, awareness, reality, bliss,
> Embraced by love of God, and blest by His kiss;
> In radiant light of His glory, bright as the Sun,
> I am ever homogeneous, second then to none.
> What care I for freedom from chains or liberation,
> In life or death? Or game of gaining Realisation?
> Or this current world destiny predestined to run,
> Rebirthing in some alien womb, ‘til kingdom come?
> For after transmigration, at-one-ment I may miss.
> My Master halts this baffling mental perturbation,
> I let go, and abide in Heart with silent adoration.
> I have no central entity, resident at home,
> No one to feel elated or badly hurt by fear;
> Or pleased, perplexed, pining, or simply here,
> To feel depressed; yet there’s restless mind to roam
> Over inner seascape of bubbles, froth and foam.
> So where’s he who suffers, enjoys, plans and acts,
> Who holds opinions, thinks he knows all facts?
> What’s rising of thought, beneath my cerebral dome?
> What’s this visible world? plaything of some gnome?
> So now, there’s no fictional person to jeer or leer.
> For my Master, his cards are neatly dealt in stacks,
> Abiding in the Self, there’s no need for lofty tracts.
> So, set in the temple shrine of the spiritual Heart,
> Nestling on the dexter side of my breathing, breast;
> Not on the left, where a fleshy pump beats in my chest,
> Dwells ‘I Amness’, from which real awakening starts.
> So pondering, I pose the vital question, what’s the part
> I play in life, what’s the answer to the riddle of the world?
> Who yearns for freedom from the jail in which I’m hurled?
> What is Oneness, consciousness, truth, wisdom’s art?
> Into my heart He fired Love’s rose flowered dart.
> Who’s bound or freed as an honoured friend and guest,
> Behind the body-mind, and now at last unfurled,
> As space for world to happen in, lustrous and impearled?
> So deep in my Heart, I Am the One, unborn,
> Uncaused, unborn, deathless, Self existent, free.
> I ask, what’s this stormy, bubbling, troubled sea
> Where froth is foaming, from morn to twilight’s gloaming,
> On Self’s ocean, lit by orange orient dawn?
> What is Creation? what means world dissolution?
> I ponder questions and search for heartfelt solution.
> Who and what is seeking? king, bishop or pawn
> On time’s chess board, God’s emerald palace lawn?
> What’s the end of searching, is it peace, liberty?
> Who’s the brave seeker to find absolution,
> Has he found as answer? the ultimate resolution.
> I am pristine, pure as Himalayan snow,
> A pellucid stream pouring from a mountain height;
> Chaste, flawless, without shame or blame, wintry white.
> I trickle down the valley to the sea below,
> And flow! curious about all there is to know.
> By his Direct Path precious Self Knowledge’s gained,
> To a glorious peaceful end, if and when attained?
> I’ve no problems, in heaven, or in hell so low;
> I’ve surmounted grief, elation, sorrow, born of woe.
> Simply stated, I see what’s meant by wrong and right;
> The world by preservation, is maintained
> By grace of God, and His will, all beings are sustained.
> Awakened, stay steady, perfectly still
> As an adamantine rock in ocean stands;
> Unmoved by blustery winds, or shifting sands.
> What are opposites, from health to sickly ill,
> Pleasure, pain, joy to sorrow, to heal or kill?
> Distraction, concentration, meditation,
> Reflection, rejection, contemplation?
> My Master welcomes all as God’s Almighty Will!
> He accepts ‘what is’, as gracious grist to his mill.
> Gently through grace, he breaks all bondage bonds.
> In a paean of praise of unconditional affirmation,
> He rests One in the Self of conscious consummation.
> I’ve lost the dread merry go round of thought;
> Perpetual treadmill of self-opinion and words,
> Mainly cynicism, lies, flapping wings of carrion birds,
> Poisoned witch’s brew, often bitterly fraught
> With totally mistaken notion that I ought
> Cherish intellect and make my mind the chief.
> To be burgled by thought, that villainous thief?
> So the lesson that my dear Master patiently brought,
> Ignore snake bites of concepts by which you’re wrought,
> All that inner dialogue is truly quite absurd:
> Here is pure Consciousness, a gift beyond belief,
> The end of thought brings peace and blissful relief!
> I am clarity, pure as a crystal and lily white,
> Flowering in purple, thistle-bracken field.
> So what’s world delusion ? To this question I yield;
> For mind can never understand the infinite,
> The magic of Maya is a trick of light.
> What’s world’s dream, notion or thought? It appears
> Like fantastic music, deceiving all ears.
> Emptiness of egotism, a simple void of night,
> Is witnessing Self, nakedness of inward sight.
> So what’s unveiled when the onion is peeled?
> The Master wipes away confusion and dries my tears.
> He says “all’s unfolding as it should”, and ends my fears.”
> Without hint of duality , One without two,
> Unified, whole, absolute and seamless,
> All of a piece, love and pure awareness;
> So there’s nothing to divide me from you;
> Perfection coming from a primal source, who
> Am I but ‘That’? deathless, eternal, the same
> Self-existent, truth, a God without a name.
> I know there’s nothing poor puny ‘me’ can do:
> All that happens is His mighty will, through and through.
> I rest in the heart, blissful, benign and blameless;
> So what’s my soul to that awesome Lord of flame?
> He says “unknown, celebrate, enjoy My game!”
> For endless rigorous effort, where’s the need?
> Struggling ‘gainst one’s natural way of feeling,
> Trained to prevail, practising fair dealing;
> Pressed to labour if you wish to barely feed
> A family, own a home, a job, and so succeed,
> Conditioned like some machine well oiled.
> Poor pilgrim’s now half baked, parboiled.
> So my Master to his pupils, now does plead,
> “Surrender, when you carry out each deed.
> Forget the books, austerities and kneeling.
> After all the hard years you’ve ardently toiled,
> Relax, unwind, and never by this world be spoiled!
> I’ve no limits, hedges, you’re no longer bound,—
> No edges, land marks, verges, remain for thee.
> Nothing arises, you’re empty space, for all to see
> That all is well unfolded, true Self you’ve found.
> I traced my ego like a zealous hunting hound,
> And found my primal source, the Light of day,
> Now as witness-consciousness you’re free to play.
> So I rest in my Heart, near a sacred mound,
> Where my naked feet tread, is holy ground.
> I've found freedom, joy, bliss and liberty.
> Nothing is. I am God, what more is there to say?
> I’ve glimpsed the truth of Self the Non Dual way!”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you dear Alan for all that springs through you, all that you do, and all that you are. Divine flowing Grace. Love, and Love alone.


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