Friday 5 February 2010


The Self of the Sage is like Salih, his body is his camel
His spirit is in union with God, the body is often in need.
His spirit is unaffected by affliction. Blows fall on the body,
Not on the unborn, deathless, all powerful, loving Self.
No one prevails or is victorious over the heart of a Sage,
Harm affects only the oyster, not its pearl beyond price.

The Self is impervious to being hurt, the light of the Lord
Is not subject to flood, fire, war, earth quake or famine.
God attached the Self to an earthly body so infidels
May hurt it, and suffer tribulation as a consequence,
Not knowing that to injure His body is to offend Him.
The water in the earthen jar is joined with the ocean,
God linked His Immortal Self with the body of a Sage
So he may become a safe refuge for all mankind.

From Rumi's Tale of Sahli and His Camel. A versification from the literal translation by R. Nicholson of the Mathnawi.

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